
Three or more things I love

I really like 1.Candy canes 2.Pretzels 3.Nutella 4.Plants v.s. zombies 5.wolves (that's a given) 6.  Gravity falls and I don't want this to go on for a while so that's it.I'd do world peace and all that but whenever you say that it always sounds weird.WORLD PEACE.At my friend Marie's (<----alias) party she had a huge box of mini candy canes and I grabbed as much as I possibly could and I just finished them today. Yesterday I saw a container of 200 mini candy canes at Costco and I told my grandpa "THATS WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS" and  I'd eat one a day so I wouldn't have to much candy or whatever.So, yeah I love candy canes.Who doesn't?I actually bought some in my dream last night, it is kinda scaring me.So,I've only played Plants V.S zombies once, but I got addicted to it but my mom won't let me get it on my Nook Color (which is a good tablet/ereader but it occasionally glitches) because she hates anything with the word "zombies " in it.She doesn't get why the world is obsessed with them.There is this game at arcades, called house of the dead one,two,and three, that I like to play,where you are a secret agent and you have to shoot zombies.It is fun but hard.So, Nutella.I LOVE nutella.I eat it for breakfast alot.This morning ,all our spoons were in the dish washer so I had to eat cereal.It was very sad.(jk) :P it is sad that i complained about it at all.I feel bad for all the people who spend half there day getting water to drink while some of us just go to the sink and when we are done with our water and there is still some left, we dump it.mull that over a bit.

Serious moment over.

so, this show called gravity falls (see gravity falls post) I really love.My friend Indi did a post more or less about it on her blog, http://thecolor-indigo.blogspot.com/ .I agree with her that dipper is a realistic cartoon character.She did a bunch of quotes from it, but I am just going to do one.You will have to watch the show (episode called 'the time traveler's pig") to understand it.

"you can't even tell what species it is it's stupid"

here is the pic.I don't know who to put courtesy for it because Indi emailed it to me.so, sorry.
P.S I really appreciate comments!

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