
Valentines Day

Happy Valentine's day people!sorry I have not written on my blog much lately. I've been pretty busy and plus,my phone is addicting.Phones are dangerous.So a couple days ago,there was a new kid at a class I take.Let's call him derrick.At the break time,I played catch with him and Sarah.It was pretty fun.then we went back to class.we were doing this cool scrapbook report thing and both Collin and I were doing Percy Jackson (different books in the series) and we both had to write a journal entry from Percy's perspective.We both stared at our blank pages for a while with absolutely no ideas.Then I started writing and later he did.We both doodled a lot because we figured Percy would get distracted and stuff..... we played football again after class but this time Collin played too.This Monday, Morgan is going to have a valentine day party and she invited both me and Collin. Indi is hopefully coming with me. Indi was going to go to the class but apparently she can't :( she is going to pay me three dollars if I give out candy hearts to everyone at the party.One says "kick  me" ! I think it was supposed to say kiss me but I like kick me better.....ha ha =D

May the force be with you,


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