
Fun facts

I learned recently that Scotland's official animal is the unicorn. That is AWESOME.I also learned that ESPN got an Emmy for the super imposed yellow line that represents the first down on the TV in football games.I found this out on www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/ .Apparently it is a very popular website that tons of people go on and I didn't know it existed.... haha anyways it seems like a cool site.The mascot-alien-dude-thing freaks me out a bit though.  Did you know that if you listen closely to the adventure time theme song you can hear a keyboard being typed on? I tried it and I heard it!It was kinda cool. This next thing I read in national geographic (which is an awesome site/magazine/organization ) .Did you know that there is a type of got who is extinct,and that some scientists took the DNA of a dead one,put the DNA in another species of goat,and the goat gave birth to a goat that was the extinct species! It died of lung failure though.Very cheerful story there,Poodle.The point is some extinct species can be brought back into existance .The question is if we should. Ponder on that for a while.I have a new science class,and Colin is in it,too.It is pretty fun,actually.I like it.I am reading a book called Cathrine called birdy,Which I have read before but I needed to skim over it again for another class.It is a pretty good book.It is about a fourteen year old girl and it is set in medieval times.It is styled like it his her journal.

courtesy of :http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2008/04/17/dolphin11a.jpg

don't ask why there is a picture of a dolphin in this post.I don't know why there is either.....




This is a list of things people have done that will restore your faith in humanity.
read it,it is awesome.


sorry for the shortness,But I can't think of what to write.Plus that link has lots of stuff.





Sorry,can't think of anything to right.I was talking to Indi today and she told me that blue from blues clues is a girl.Whoa.My whole life I thought it was a guy.Wow.

A couple of days ago,a couple of my friends came over.Lets call them Nick, Colin, and Morgan.They came over for pizza and we hung out outside my a brook.We were trying to cross a log and not fall into the water.It was fun.I had to leave for guitar lessons :( When I came back Colin and Nick had left but Morgan was staying over night.We had an awesome time =D
I hope they come over again soon.





Yay! I got 2,020 views on this blog!!!! thanks everyone who has bothered to read it!!!!!!!

Indi, as soon as you get home call me!!!




I'm just going to say that,for the record, I love nick jr. I loved it when I was little, and never stopped.My favorite shows on it are Maisy and Oswald .Im not ashamed that I like nick junior.My friends and I talk about nick jr. Sometimes. We all like it. This doesn't make us weird, just kids.We are weird,but who said weird was bad? Normal people are weird people in desguise. Remember that.




I miss believing in him.I mean,Christmas was so much funner when you thought he was real.It is kinda creepy ,when you think about it.An old fat man in a suit sneaks into your house and gives you presents.When you're little,you don't really question stuff like that.Not to copy I's recent post, http://thecolor-indigo.blogspot.com/2013/03/so-maybe-i-still-watch-disney-and-play.html but I still love disney channel + movies,play poptropica, own many many many stuffed animals,hug my mom and enjoy it,and play hide and seek.I don't care what people think about that.I am a kid and I'm gunna do kid stuff.I don't want to grow up.A couple of my younger friends still believe in Santa Claus. I envy them.I used to write letters to him,and I thought he actually responded.Christmas is not the same once you get older :(



Austin and Ally

I like the show Austin and Ally.Ross lynch plays the main character.Ross is awesome. Lately,the show has been getting better, too. It is a show about a teen named Austin Moon,who becomes an Internet sensation over night and his friend who writes the songs he sings.My mom hates anything on Disney channel or cartoon network,she can't stand it.So it was kinda funny when one day I turned it on and her and my aunt left it on 'cause they wanted to know what happened.They criticized it the whole time too.Why watch it, if you don't like it! :P A song was played on the newest episode that is awesome,but i don't know the name.I couldn't get it anyway,my gift card ran out for my phone.That 21 cents will haunt me.....

courtesy of:http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/27800000/Austin-Ally-austin-and-ally-27870795-474-302.jpg

Rise Of The Guardians

I watched rise of the guardians and it was awesome!It is a movie about the "guardians" north (Santa),tooth (the tooth fairy, Duh.) ,sandy (the sandman),the Easter bunny, and jack frost.Jack frost is the main character.He is awesome.The bogey man is trying to rule the world , kinda (of course) It sounds ridiculous, but it is really awesome.My favorite is the sandman.He is so dang cute!I really like jack frost to.He is trying to find out find out who he is,cause he doesn't remember his past.I would give the movie a 10 out of 10.It was a very cool concept .Thumbs up for guardians!

courtesy of: http://www.geekenstein.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/640x338xArticle-Header-Rise-of-the-Guardians-Review.jpg.pagespeed.ic.ZAo30fxdkQ.jpg



Hi everyone.I'm just going to write what ever comes to mind.

I have been sick the last week :( I feel a lot better today though :P

I'm reading the book Cosmic. It is pretty good.It makes you think about life,I guess.Adults want to be kids,and kids want to be adults.Think about it.It is true.When I was a little kid I wanted to be older.Now,I'm not so sure.Let me give you an example.

Say you are at your favorite resturaunt you have gone to for years.Then the waitress hands you an adult menu for the first time.At first your like "sweet!" Then you say "whoa.where the heck are my coloring pages!?!?"

As a teen, its kinda weird growing up.One moment your little,doing little kid stuff,then all the sudden you care about what people think.

Sometimes I care,sometimes I don't .It depends on who I'm with.If its my best friend,I'll be just do whatever,not caring about if people think I'm a lunatic or not 'cause their opinion doesn't matter (unless they are a psychiatric doctor)

so anyone reading this who is not yet an adult, enjoy it while you can.

man, that was cheerful.

There's this guy I like,and I am not sure if he likes me.I really don't know why I'm telling all of the Internet, but I felt like it.Hopefully this isn't him reading this.If so,  Hi, how's it hangin'?

this is the end of my post 'cause I'm hungry so adios peeps!



Skiing and Hot Chocolate

Hey yo everyone!Sorry I haven't  been posting much lately but I just haven't been feelin' it.Last weekend,I went skiing! It was epic.It was the first time I've ever skied! I got a lesson and for the first half of it,I hated it and wanted it to be over,but then I started liking it.When I first got the skis on I kept slidding uncontrollably and freaking out.The second day was much more fun. My dad and I went up on a skii lift a dozen times and it was awesome!It was hard to get off the first time but after that it was breeze.I loved skiing down the hill fast.Overall,it was awesome and I hope to ski again.

