
Fun facts

I learned recently that Scotland's official animal is the unicorn. That is AWESOME.I also learned that ESPN got an Emmy for the super imposed yellow line that represents the first down on the TV in football games.I found this out on www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/ .Apparently it is a very popular website that tons of people go on and I didn't know it existed.... haha anyways it seems like a cool site.The mascot-alien-dude-thing freaks me out a bit though.  Did you know that if you listen closely to the adventure time theme song you can hear a keyboard being typed on? I tried it and I heard it!It was kinda cool. This next thing I read in national geographic (which is an awesome site/magazine/organization ) .Did you know that there is a type of got who is extinct,and that some scientists took the DNA of a dead one,put the DNA in another species of goat,and the goat gave birth to a goat that was the extinct species! It died of lung failure though.Very cheerful story there,Poodle.The point is some extinct species can be brought back into existance .The question is if we should. Ponder on that for a while.I have a new science class,and Colin is in it,too.It is pretty fun,actually.I like it.I am reading a book called Cathrine called birdy,Which I have read before but I needed to skim over it again for another class.It is a pretty good book.It is about a fourteen year old girl and it is set in medieval times.It is styled like it his her journal.

courtesy of :http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2008/04/17/dolphin11a.jpg

don't ask why there is a picture of a dolphin in this post.I don't know why there is either.....


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