

I'm sorry I haven't written on this thing in a while but I am going to write a post now because my uncle (let's call him Bruce) said I haven't written anything lately and I should.Hi Bruce! So,I went bowling with some of my friends today.I learned I stink at bowling.My mom and grandparents told me they all stink to ,so it's in my genes apparently xD I actually got beaten by a bunch of six year olds but that's another story xP so anyways,my friends got hungry so they all bought a snack from the vending machine.My friend whom I shall call Doug,bought a combos.i have never heard of them before so I wanted to try it. He told me it was a pretzel with pizza flavor stuff inside.I tried it.Before I say what I'm about to say,I usually try not to say negative stuff on the Internet.im not a hater or something,but it tasted HORRIBLE man!!!!! Imagine a clump of sand covered in dead fish. That's what it tasted like.Doug liked them so I guess he didn't  mind them.I nearly gagged.Im not kidding or exaggerating in any way I really did gag.My friend Colin said "get a Cheeto, stat!" And handed me a cheeto to block the taste.I ended up buying a bag of chips and a water to get the taste out.Word of the wise: don't try your friend's snack.



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