
Wolf pups

Okay,after this I won't post anything sad for a while.This is really sad,it breaks my heart.Wildlife services agents,using our tax payer dollars,track wolves (and their pups) down to their dens and asphyxiate them using poisonous gas and maybe even burn them.How could anything deserve that??Comment below.

How could anyone even do that?

 courtesy of:http://www.livingwithwolves.org/images/Gallery_Images/Pups/Pups.8.033.2.jpg

 courtesy of:http://www.zooborns.com/.a/6a010535647bf3970b0147e38abd2e970b-500wi

 courtesy of :http://howlingforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/russian-wolf-pup.jpg

courtesy of:http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/062/2/2/cute_wolf_puppy_by_lyokogal-d4rm4ss.jpg


- poodle

1 comment:

  1. It is really great that you are creating awareness like this. I signed the two petitions and hope that more people will. I am sure that your efforts are making a difference.
