
New Years

Yay winter is finally acting like winter!!!woohoo! I LOVE new years.Something about it.Maybe the confetti or the ambiance of the whole thing.:P so,Last year,my to friends Morgan and Indi came over for new years.When they first came we went down to my river/brook/stream thing and hung out.Then we played lots of  Mario Smash Bros Brawl and made videos and took pictures.We put on as many Mardi Gras necklaces and confetti and hats and anything else festive we could find and shoved it on ourselves. We all drank sparkling apple cider after the countdown with my mom and grandparents and Morgan's mom.Sparkling apple cider is my absolute favorite drink.It is kind of tradition for them to come over now so I invited them this year too,and Indi is coming but Morgan can not.Me sad :,(   well, we will be thinkin' of ya Morgan!

Peace out people! Happy new year! Later,

                                                              - Poodle


Parental Guidance

Last night I went to go see a movie with my friend called Parental Guidance.It was amazingly funny!there was some serious parts but there was enough humor too.The basic premise is that these two grandparents come to their daughter's house to baby sit their three grandchildren,Harper,Turner,and Parker while  their daughter goes on vacation with her husband.The family is super healthy and stuff but the grandparents are not so that results in lots of trouble.I would give the movie a 10/10.It is rated PG (haha).I brought a bunch of kit kats with me and they were almost gone once the movie started.One of the previews we watched looked really cool and it was called After Earth .I can't wait for that to come out.Anyways,Adios!


- Poodle


Presents for the people!

I miss Christmas already. :( I am excited because my two friends are coming over for new years and we are gonna have an awesome time!Well,I technically didn't get an answer on whether one of them ,alias "Morgan" (I've always liked that name),is coming or not.Plus the other friend,Indi, still needs to ask her mom. Eh,anyways, I got a bunch of cool stuff for x mas! I got an Eli Manning jersey (one of my favorites),some lego minifigs (I got the galaxy patrol dude!yes!),Chex mix( my favorite snack) a really nice sweatshirt,A bunch of candy canes,including a humongous thick one,and some snapbacks.Those were my favorite gifts along with a awesome African wild dog.I am not one of those kids who think they are cool just cause they bought something that says "DC" on it or are wearing a shirt with YOLO or some other quote on it ,I genuinely like snapbacks.I kinda love all hats.I have a cap,baseball cap,4 fedoras,a cowboy hat,a ski hat,3 wool animal hats (bear,owl,and T-rex),a wolf hat,and now two snapbacks.One ironically says "DC" on it.I also got a sign that says "wolf crossing" one it with a picture of some wolves for x-mas.My friend,lets call him Zach, came over yesterday and we had an awesome time!We played football and were tied 8-8 when Wes started whining and we started playing soccer with him.We played alot of Mario smash bros brawl.I like Ike and Bowser, they are my favorites to fight as.Bowser is my favorite Mario character of all time.He is so epic.I drew him once.His face is hard to draw.Maybe I will put him up on the drawings page on this soon.well,I this is a respectably long post so I probably have something better to do than keep rambling on and on and you probably have something better to do than read this so, Adios! Peace!!



Happy christmas!

Hey everybody!Happy Christmas!

merry christmas woohoo!!!!!!!

i will tell you what i got tomorrow because i am tired.Night and peace out!




Man,I am so excited for Christmas!!I can't wait till Christmas eve.We always open all the presents from each other then,except for the ones from Santa or your parents or whichever you believe.Those I open in in the morning.I also like x-mas eve because we eat cookies or watch a movie and we used to go to a Christmas party at my friends house up the road but they moved farther away so now she doesn't have the party :( my friends birthday is some time this week (or was it last week?) (I will not tell you the actual date for security reasons or whatever) So let's wish 'em a happy birthday!!!!!!!

Happy birthday  Collin!
comment to wish him a happy belated birthday!




Free shrimp

My grandpa is retiring soon and he has worked at the company for 40 years or so yet no one at his work thought to organize a party.So I am throwing him a party here on my blog.WOO!

sadly there is no confetti or free shrimp.I don't have the application or whatever you need for confetti, and it is kinda hard to offer free shrimp via Internet :P


i wish i could offer shrimp..............



So, yesterday I was helping my grandpa put up the Christmas lights,and I showed him a forward roll type thing,because some kids I know are constantly doing them and I pulled a muscle.ouch.at least we got the lights up.I actually didn't  know how I hurt myself until I told my mom and she told me I probably pulled a muscle.Oops.:P So, yeah.It still hurts if I walk to fast or twist my leg a certain way.It is not that bad though.A couple days ago,I went outside to play soccer with Wes (yeah my dog can play soccer,he is pretty good actually.) and this unmarked white van comes in my driveway.My whole family is a bunch of worriers so when I told my grandma,she freaked and she had me lock the doors and bring Wes in.We heard the doorbell ring and waited till the guy drove away to see what he left.He turned out to be from office max.He had delivered something my mom bought.The next day,he came back while grandpa and I were setting up the lights and he was very nice.Last night, I had a weird dream.A bunch of my friends came over and when it was time to leave,I ended up literally a back seat driver.I was alone in the car and sitting in the back but under the seat in front of my was the break and gas petals.Then Indie appeared in the car and drove not much better than I was (which was horrible,I nearly crashed and I was in the wrong lane on the highway) then I woke up with a jolt.Weird dream huh?If you have bothered to read this far,thank you.This blog is basically for people who have nothing better to do than read about some random persons life (and for my relatives and friends I bug so much they read it.).I would like to think it is occasionally entertaining.Now I better go finish cleaning my room so,


    Poodle, Peace out! and i really would like some comments!

P.S Sorry for all the "i"s that i didn't capitalize,I am lazy and it takes to long


So bored!the sequel........

Yeah today was not the most exciting day ever and i have no clue what to right about.I also have a bunch of homework to do and i have to draw a cards for two of my friends and my grandparents.I love to draw,so every birthday in my family,my dad wants me to draw something for whoever.I also draw cards for christmas,which is what i should be doing right now.Actually,homework is what I should be doing right now.Crud,


    Poodle, Peace!


Apocalypses and Ghost stories

Apocalypses scare me.I really don't think the world is going to end Dec.21(or whichever date they come up with next)I survived a "Apocalypse"already.Plus,what about leap years?My friend Colin said something about scientists unearthing another Mayan calender so we don't need to worry for a while if you believe the Mayans.So, there is this show on discovery channel called Doomsday Preppers were they show different people preparing for apocalypses.It is kinda funny.My friend Indi came over yesterday and we had a pretty fun time.We went to my stream and told ghost stories( it is kinda a tradition) for a bit,then went in and just built a fort then took it down.We went outside and played Hide and Seek (I had a really good hiding spot.)Then ate my mom's amazing tuna noodle casserole.It is really good.Amazingly good.Mmmmmm.............So hungry now.........Then we looked at old pictures we've taken and how goofy we were(and are).We made some music videos and looked at old ones then Indi's mom came so she left and I had nothing to do.


And NPR no less.....

So, there is this radio station called NPR and my grandpa listens to it alot.It is generally a good station (for a news station)I had the radio on a couple of days ago, and I heard them interviewing a guy about wolves.Today a minute ago,I read about the same conversation on a blog (howlingforjustice, see blogs I like)I remember the interviewer saying something about wolves as trophies,I don't remember the exact words(if you want a more detailed account go to howling for justice)but it went something like this

dude being interviewed(I'm so specific :P):blah blah blah hunting blah

NPR lady:So...hunters blah....would say blah blah I want this wolf for my trophy

Me: you don't need a TROPHY for goodness sakes!how would you feel if people hunted you so they could have you as a trophy!!

so,yeah.I have a horrible memory so that is all I remember.Sorry bout that.It is amazing how many people in the U.S don't know about this.They know about the panda,and the tiger,and that's all good but they should fight for the wolf as well,they live right outside your door!(depending on which part of the states you live in)

Hopefully you,my blog reader,will figure out a way to help.

- Poodle


This is a post in honor of all the people that were victims in the Newtown, CT shooting yesterday.I can't believe someone could do that to children, or anyone.I saw a teacher from the school on the news telling them how she barricaded herself and a bunch of kids in a small room with a bookshelf I think and comforted all of them.Alot of the kids were crying and she comforted them telling them it would be okay.Some of the kids said they wanted to be home for Christmas and that they wanted to hug their mom.Once the cops came she made them slide their badges under the door so she knew they were real police officers.She was crying the whole time she was talking and that made me cry.She is one amazing teacher.Again, my thoughts go out to all the people that were at that school.



Three or more things I love

I really like 1.Candy canes 2.Pretzels 3.Nutella 4.Plants v.s. zombies 5.wolves (that's a given) 6.  Gravity falls and I don't want this to go on for a while so that's it.I'd do world peace and all that but whenever you say that it always sounds weird.WORLD PEACE.At my friend Marie's (<----alias) party she had a huge box of mini candy canes and I grabbed as much as I possibly could and I just finished them today. Yesterday I saw a container of 200 mini candy canes at Costco and I told my grandpa "THATS WHAT I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS" and  I'd eat one a day so I wouldn't have to much candy or whatever.So, yeah I love candy canes.Who doesn't?I actually bought some in my dream last night, it is kinda scaring me.So,I've only played Plants V.S zombies once, but I got addicted to it but my mom won't let me get it on my Nook Color (which is a good tablet/ereader but it occasionally glitches) because she hates anything with the word "zombies " in it.She doesn't get why the world is obsessed with them.There is this game at arcades, called house of the dead one,two,and three, that I like to play,where you are a secret agent and you have to shoot zombies.It is fun but hard.So, Nutella.I LOVE nutella.I eat it for breakfast alot.This morning ,all our spoons were in the dish washer so I had to eat cereal.It was very sad.(jk) :P it is sad that i complained about it at all.I feel bad for all the people who spend half there day getting water to drink while some of us just go to the sink and when we are done with our water and there is still some left, we dump it.mull that over a bit.

Serious moment over.

so, this show called gravity falls (see gravity falls post) I really love.My friend Indi did a post more or less about it on her blog, http://thecolor-indigo.blogspot.com/ .I agree with her that dipper is a realistic cartoon character.She did a bunch of quotes from it, but I am just going to do one.You will have to watch the show (episode called 'the time traveler's pig") to understand it.

"you can't even tell what species it is it's stupid"

here is the pic.I don't know who to put courtesy for it because Indi emailed it to me.so, sorry.
P.S I really appreciate comments!


Sarloos Wolfhonds

So you know that wolf/dog hybrid that I talked about in Cookies and Improv? if not,go back to that post.I learned not to long after that that breeders are practically nonexistent outside of the Netherlands.:( also, they are escape artists,not good for meek owners or houses with small children,and/or smaller animals.My plan is,once I am super rich,I'll travel to the Netherlands and buy a puppy wolfhond and train it to give me a high five.Nice plan right? What could go wrong??? :P

My future puppy, Rex

  courtesy of k9puppy.co.uk

older Rex (or maybe Xavier or Jake )

courtesy of http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5vdi3xQ1O1qzrdsmo1_500.jpg

wish me luck!



Writer's block!

I have know ideas for this post so I will tell you about my day!(I can tell you're excited!).So, today I played football with my three friends, there names are Colin, Marie, and Sarah (those are their aliases on my blog, we prefer to remain anonymous (wow, did I spell that right?!?!?)).We were at a basketball court and first tried to get the football in the hoop (which I failed at) and then tried to throw it through a hula hoop that was thrown in the air (which I also pretty much failed at) .What I CAN do is throw a javelin through a Frisbee that has a hole in it.I am not bad at throwing javelins either.Then we all tried to catch it with one hand (which I semi-failed at).Then we played Colin in the middle,he had to catch it with one hand while the rest of us could catch it either way.It wasn't that bad for him because he used to play football so he is ten times better than the rest of us.Then me and some of my friends went and visited my grandma.I had to leave early for guitar lessons. :( My guitar lessons were good though.I am now learning Rudolph the red nosed reindeer! Woo!

-Poodle,voice of wisdom


Gingerbread houses

So, yesterday,I went to my friend's birthday party and it was pretty awesome!At first we just bounced on the trampoline and realized that it was actually quite tiring.So we all sat in a circle and played ninja.Then we played tag for a while and then went inside and made gingerbread houses, which was pretty fun! One girl put so much icing and candy on her house collapsed.We said it had been hit by "Hurricane Candy". So, after we built our houses (and ate waaaayyy more candy than we should have) we watched "Avengers" .We kept commenting through the whole movie so those who have watched the movie before would shush everyone when there was about to be a funny part.We took a break for the movie and ate dinner which consisted of amazing homemade mac and cheese and chicken tenders also there was a bowl of carrots (I was one of the only ones to eat some of the carrots :P) After dinner we each got a sundae with a bunch of toppings,I got chocolate chips and sprinkles,lots of sprinkles.My ice cream sprinkle percentage would probably be 60% ice cream 40% sprinkles.by that time have of us were laughing hysterically and being extremely hyper from all the sugar.I never get hyper (strange I know) so I was terrified at this point. :) haha.So, we finished the movie and some of the kids parents came and some people left.The rest of us had a push up contest and arm wrestled each other.I am kind of strong (not to brag or anything :P ) and I beat some people.So, my dad chatted with the dads for a bit while we were arm wrestling and then he realized how long he had been chatting and we left with my gingerbread house (it kind of looked like a hippie house because it had twizzlers on the roof and it looked like long red hair so I called it a hippie house)     So that is it for now folks!

    - Poodle, voice of wisdom :P


earth fun fact of the day!

I know I haven't done this in a while,so here it goes!

So, when you brush your teeth at night,do you leave the water running?If not,then good for you! If you do leave it on, try to work on that. Only 2% of the earth's water is drinkable,use it wisely.

- Poodle, voice of wisdom  :P

 photo from: eere.energy.gov


I am so bored!

I am really bored right now.I also can't think of anything to write about so this post is being made up as I type it. Poptropica came out with a new island, Charlie and the chocolate factory so that is what I am going to be playing in a sec.I am waiting for my friend (let's call her susan)to answer me on skype.THAT MEANS YOU SUSAN! :P so yeah.Nothing worth writing about really happened today.We went to the library and I got a bunch of novels,some ones that are new, and some Iv'e read already.When I took my dog out in my yard just to walk him around a bit, he started running in a circle like a lunatic.It was kind of amusing.... So, one book I read a while ago called Signal I saw it at the library today. It is a pretty good book.It didn't knock my socks off (that is not possible mythbusters proved it wrong.) or anything,but it is a good read.

Sorry for boring post,



Mark of Athena

So, most young adults or kids have either read or heard of Mark of Athena (or the Percy Jackson series).It is the third book in the Heroes of Mount Olympus series (which is prettyyy much an extension of the Percy Jackson series) and is an amazing book.I personally like the second book better (Son of Neptune).I love Mark of Athena, but I like the second better.

***********SPOILER ALERT***********

Note from writer: if you haven't read the series,and plan on reading it,please do not read.

I thought the end was kind of funny.They just kinda threw everything in,like "We'll just throw the two main characters into Tartarus".I am not saying it wasn't good, it was just kind of amusing.I like Frank and Leo.They are my two favorite characters that are not from the original series.Leo is really funny and Frank is just awesome, i mean he can change into an elephant!What is better than that!?!





My favorite sport is football.Go Giants!! they are my favorite team.I love super bowl Sunday........ I really like my football, it is half purple half black.I like playing catch with it more than actual football, though.So one time,I was playing basketball ( my second favorite sport)by myself (sad I know) and I got it stuck.Bravo. I took a picture (see below) and then threw some rocks at it till it fell.So yeah I got a good laugh out of that.I am actually not that bad at basketball or football, believe it or not!Another time,I chucked the basketball from halfway across the court  and made it in.I was so amazed with myself (I didn't expect to make it in at ALL) that I yelled "DID ANYONE SEE THAT!?!?!" I'm pretty sure only one person was in the area, and they were playing on a scooter and I don't think they noticed.oh well.At least I know I did :P
photo courtesy of myself.


The Divide

Another book review! yay!

This one is about a book called The Divide  by Elizabeth Kay.It is a really good book about a boy named Felix who gets transported to another dimension were HUMANS are mythical beings and science is mythical,like magic is to us.Elves and Griffins and anything mythical in our world is real in their world.It is a cool concept,  I think is really original.In the first book (there are three), Felix has to find a cure for his heart condition and stop a evil pixie (japegrin).Indi is letting me borrow the second book.I like it so far.I would give the series a 9.5/10.I really like the griffin, Ironclaw, in it. He is awesome.I hope you read it!

P.S this is my one hundreth post!Woo!




A hawk flew into my window!

So my aunt called today and she told us that a hawk flew into her window. At first all she heard was a thump and her cat started stalking over to the window. She ran outside and found a hawk lying on the ground breathing heavily and freaking out. She picked it up and it fell asleep in her arms! She took pictures (well, my uncle did) and then it woke up and flew away.It was so cool!I wish I had been there. Hawks are really cool. Did you know that in movies and such,they used a hawks cry for an eagle because an eagle sounds funny!?! So that wickedly cool cry we always hear is a hawk, not an eagle most of the time.





Alright,I know I haven't been doing much about the environment lately so here is an environmental post.(kinda)

So, you know what bobcats are right? If not,here is an epic picture of one.Bobcats live in North America and are small felines about the size of a large house cat.This is were the problem is.You see, people think that they can be domesticated just like regular house cats but this is not the case. Eventually they might claw their "owners" (they have really strong claws) probably accidentally and then they would be declawed.Then they might resort to biting cause,hey,you declawed them what do you expect?Then they aren't manageable enough and are thrown back in the wild. How are they going to catch their food or climb trees without claws?Some starve or are taken on to preserves like the one I went to. I saw two bobcats there, named Cash and Santa.That was pretty much there life story.Here are a few bobcat factoids.

1. Bobcats can take down full grown deer.

2.They first appear about 1.8 million years ago.

3.In some areas, they are still trapped for their beautiful fur.

4.There are some 1 million in the U.S alone.

5.They live from 10 to 12 years

6.They can leap up to ten feet!

7.They are named for their "bobbed" tail.Cool right!?

picture courtesy of :http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/004/cache/bob-cat_480_600x450.jpg

Photo by Norbert Rosing (nice photo Norbert!)




Finding The Perfect Tree

Today my mom,grandparents,and I went to get a Christmas tree.We found one that wasn't to tall,or prickly, or skinny, and reserved it.  Half the time my mom and I just ran around the trees like the crazy people we are and hid from each other.Yes I played tag with my mom. Get over it. So that is just about it.We did boring stuff afterwards like went to the grocery store etc. etc. We did go to the library and I got the sequel to a book I read, Aliens on Vacation.It sounds lame but it's actually pretty good.My mom wants me to read more mature books,which I do,but once in a while I read a lame and or/below my reading level book.There very well written sometimes and have more interesting plot lines occasionally.So this is it for now.I did a new drawing on my "drawings" page, it is some doodles from the last invisible boy.




Yesterday I was in the pharmacy and saw two funny birthday cards.Here they are.

front: "I have something for you".

Inside: "you're holding it."

Front: I thought a pile of money would be a decent birthday present..."

Inside: "But the mall cops got me in the fountain before I could scrape up a respectable amount"

I'm pretty sure that that is what the said.Funny right?

- Poodle


The Sisters Grimm.

The Sisters Grimm is an awesome series by Michel Buckley! It is about two sisters who's parents disappeared  a couple of years ago and they are running away from foster parent to foster parent.Their newest foster parent is an old woman who claims to be there long lost grandmother and she also says that they are all the descendants of the Grimm brothers and that all fairy tale characters are real.The older of the two,Sabrina,thinks the lady is crazy and she and her sister,Daphne,try to run away but it turns out "Relda" was right, she is kidnapped by a giant!That is how the first book starts.I don't like the first as much as all the other ones so if you don't like the first at all, skip it and read the others.I give the series a 10/10.I have read all the books and was very sad when they ended.:( They are funny and well written.Let's give a round of applause to Michel Buckley! *clap*clap* :)




Cookies and Improv

Today I went to my friend Indi's house and we Hung around outside and did improv comedy. We did it so we would alternate letters in the alphabet we would have to use as the first letter in our sentence,for instance "an alligator told me one day that string cheese isn't made from rope and cheese and I was devastated."(not funny I know but I did this for a while so give me a break :) and did that for a while while playing basketball on and off.We then went inside and went on stumbleupon.com and looked up cute pictures of animals and tried not to laugh.I wasn't to bad.... except if Indi laughed I would laugh cause whenever someone laughs it makes me laugh which is weird.We also found a page on the coolest animals humans bred into the world.They had a Saarlos wolfhond and a silver fox.Both dog hybrids.Look it up and be amazed at how epic they are.There was also a serval/house cat mix.These are all completley domesticated(kinda for the wolfhond) and cost thousands of dollars.There goes all my money....So then we ate dinner with Indi's family and we went to bake cookies for our church bake sale or something.That was pretty fun and my Nani picked me up and we went home and here I am.I got to go finish rough drafts of stuff I wrote so,



A pic of a saarlos wolf hond



I love christmas.Love, love, LOVE it.I really don't like the weeks right before and after it though because before it,you are bored and can't wait for it to come with all your relatives visiting and cookies and presents and even the kinda stupid holiday specials(haha) then after it your so sad you have to wait a whole YEAR for it to come around again.Time is tricky like that.The present isn't the present for long until it is the past.I just typed the word "past" now that is in the past.Weird when you think about it to much.I Apolagize for how short this is.



     P.S   My next post will probably be about one of my favorite book series, The Sister's Grimm.


Wreck it Ralph

A couple of weeks ago I saw Wreck it Ralph!It was really good!I think it was a little bit less humor  than I expected but it was still amazing.I really like the whole concept how the video game characters were alive and everything.I would give it a 9/10.(One point away because of less humor than I thought). It starts out with Ralph talking about how he wants to be appreciated for his job as a bad guy, and then....well...I don't want to give anything away so I'll just end it with saying it's a good movie.:)

P.S I bought the last invisible boy cause I liked it so much!(I had got it at the library first)

  P.P.S I will draw some of the characters from both Last invisible boy and Wreck it Ralph and put them on here soon.

photo courtesy of :betterinbulk.net




Been Busy

Happy Belated thanksgiving everyone!!Sorry my relatives came over and stayed for a couple days so i just hung out with them and didn't write much on here.My friends came over today and we decorated sugar cookies with colored icing and about a thousand different sprinkle shapes and choc. chips in stuff.We went outside after lunch and played catch and climbed trees and just goofed around.We used a log to get to the other side of a stream/river/brook/not sure which  one to call it and one of my friends wanted to make a bridge so we could get back easier and two of my Friends (let's call them Nick and Colin) grabbed a heavy short log and we all got it across the brook and it turned out to be harder to cross than the log.All that work for nothing,......So yeah that was just pretty boring but sorry,i got to go and stop putting off doing my homework.......maybe one more minute....Man I'm getting hungry....Well i don't know were I'm going with this so,
                                Adios and less boring posts later,



Yesterday I saw the movie "Brave" and it was really good!It was about a girl named Merida who lives in ancient Scotland ands is the princess of the 4 clans.Her mother wants her to be lady like but Merida doesn't want to.Then the clans all come to her family's castle and The sons's of the leaders of the clans compete in contests for Merida's hand in marriage.I really liked the movie and  thought the characters were cool.I like her dad alot.He was funny.It was a tad scary at one part but mostly it was funny.I hope you watch it.Soon I'll do a review of Wreck it Ralph!



My top ten favorite songs revised

#1.Good time by Owl City

#2.Home by Philip Philips

#3.Everybody Talks by Neon Trees

#4.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by Pink

#5.Lighters By Eminem

#6.We Are Never Getting Back Together By Taylor Swift

#7.Hey There Delilah By Plain White T's

#8.Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes

#9.The Fighter By Gym Class Heroes

#10.Ghangam Style By PSY


Percy Jackson and the Olympians

This is a review about possibly the best book series ever. period.This is a series about a boy named Percy who finds out that his dad is a Greek god and Greek myths a real.He is taken to a place by his mom and best friend Grover to a camp for kids like him(demigods,half god half mortal) called camp half-blood.He then goes on a quest to retrieve Zeus's stolen master lightning bolt with Grover and another demigod, Annabeth.That is how the first book starts.There are 5 in total.It is an amazing book series,especially if you love mythology.It is a very funny series.There is a movie for the first book and DO NOT watch the movie if you have any interest in the books.Read the books first.

courtesy of :wherestoriesareborn.wordpress.com




Sharks, not your typical “Jaws”.

   Most people don’t like sharks. It’s probably because they seem to be always attacking people in the ocean. However, this is not true.
Of the 400 species of sharks that we know of, only 12 are dangerous. Also, you are 250 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by a shark. Watch out for that thunderstorm!
Some ways you can help prevent a shark attack even more are, don’t swim in the ocean during dawn, dusk, and night, that is when sharks come close to shore and feed. Next, never go in the ocean if you are bleeding, sharks can smell a drop of blood from a mile away. Always stay near a lifeguard, they can warn you if they see a shark.
One of my favorite facts about sharks is that there are 43,674 more injuries associated with toilets compared to injuries with sharks. Another cool thing about sharks is that whenever a shark loses a tooth, another one moves to the front! All the front teeth have rows behind them in case one falls out! One more sweet fact, the only reason most sharks would bite you is because they use their mouth to feel, like we use our hands .They quickly realize we taste bad, and swim away.
Sharks have gotten a bad rap for far too long.  The ocean is their home, and if we choose to swim in it, we can take steps to coexist peacefully. They are amazing creatures who deserve respect. I hope this helps you understand sharks, be less afraid of them, and realize how totally awesome they are!!
 I made a new page on my blog just for my drawings!It will have an icon near the top of the page,by "home" and "Wesley the dog's thoughts"


The Third Wheel

Lately I've been doing a lot of book reviews, I am almost done with my shark article!So the newest Diary of a Wimpy Kid is even better than the rest!This one is mostly about how Greg is going to the school valentine's day dance and is racing to find a date.He tries many times and fails. He FINALLY  finds one and goes with her and Rowley(as a group of friends),but not everything goes as planned but I won't spoil it or anything.If you haven't read the others,read them first.I would give it a 9/10.I know it seems like a always give books that but this is because if I don't like a book I usually don't bother to finish it!I have a new page on my blog called drawings and that's were I'll be posting some new drawings once in a while.

courtesy of: goodreads.com ------->



 P.s. I'll post a review on the mark of Athena and the Percy Jackson series soon.

P.p.s poptropica users,there is a short mini game on poptrpica that you can play on the advertisement building thing.


When You Reach Me Review

I got this book a while ago form a relative and it was called When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead.It was autographed by the author!I had so many books to read that I didn't read it for a while but then I started reading it and I couldn't put it down!It is half mystery half fantasy I guess.I really like the main character, Miranda.It isn't super short or super long,It is about 198 pages.It is about this girl Miranda and her everyday life but she keeps getting sent mysterious letters that claim the sender is trying to save her friend's life.It is really good and the characters are really in depth,not really flat.The book is a Newbery Medal winner of 2010 and a bunch of other awards.I think it was a really good book and hope you read it too.

courtesy of : scholastic.com



Lakota Wolf Preserve

Hey everyone!I went to the Lakota wolf preserve today and it was really cool!I got to see wolves,hear them howl,and learn bunch about them(some of the stuff I knew already).I also got to see some bobcats and two foxes! they were both red foxes,but one had a black coat!His name was Tonka and the other one was Sierra.They were both really cute and hyper.A wolf I had really wanted to see(because I had sponsored her earlier)I didn't get to see very well because she was far away but other than that it was great!I might post some drawings soon of her or random stuff i don't know yet. :)



Gravity Falls

Hiya!Whats up?So i watch this show sometimes called Gravity Falls and it is about these two 12 year old twins that get sent to live with their great uncle Stan for summer in a town called Gravity Falls.Lots of supernatural stuff happens in gravity falls and only a couple people realize what is going on.The twins names are Mabel and Dipper.Dipper and Mabel tend to have one mystery or supernatural thing in each episode.One episode was about them traveling through time.That is my favorite!Here is a drawing I did.

                                                     this is Mabel

    comment if you like the drawing. =D     cya later!

                                           - Poodle


The last invisible boy

Hey everyone! whats up? So I read this book called The Last Invisible Boy by Evan Kuhlman and it was really good!At first I was kind of confused because I was thinking more of like a fantasy novel when I picked it up(my friend kept bugging me to read it)But it is more like Diary of a Wimpy Kid in the sense that it is journal style and has lots of drawings.I doodle like that alot now!I would give it a 9 out of ten.There were somesad parts and some happy parts.Here is a quick drawing of the main character,Finn.

i made the font like the book cover!haha.




I can't believe I forgot!!!

Last week was wolf awareness week!!!I can't believe I forgot! Well... no not really.I am preeetttyyy forgetful.....Ayways today is Bob Ross' 70th birthday (I only know that because he is google's doodle of the day ).




Katy Perry

Yesterday I watched Katy Perry's movie and it wasnt that bad! It was mostly about her world tour in 2011 I think.I would give it a 7 out of 10.I love katy perry's songs though. especially "Firework" I'm listening to "good time" by owl city  I really like that song too.Oh,one more thing,leo came out with a new minifigue series!!!! i want the vampire bat really bad!!I kinda want the pirate and DJ.

courtesey of:  http://smashing-bricks.com/files/2012/07/8833-3.jpg





Hey guys sorry 'bout that one week I missed ! So anyways yesterday I watched "Marvel's the AVENGERS"! it was sooooooo amazingly good and funny!My favorite character is Hulk.Then the Black widow and Iron man.I would give this movie a 17 out of 10!I only got to see one of the individual avenger movies,"thor" I really didn't like Thor.It was funny but it got it's Norse myths all messed up.Loki is Odin's blood brother (long story) and  he is a half-giant.I forget if he is half giant in the movie or not.I gotta go write somin' for homework now so see ya later!

from : screencrave.com

courtesy of :thanley.wordpress.com

 from : comicvine.com

courtesy of :awardscircuit.com




courtesy of : livingwithwolves.org

courtesy of:http://www.cosmosmith.com/images/baffin_island_wolf01.jpg

courtesy of:http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf/media-live/photos/000/307/cache/timber-wolves_30723_990x742.jpg

courtesy of:http://www.dogster.com/files/post_images/516ac87d76bd888c2b4ddc5660eddfb9.gif

courtesy of :http://howlingforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/wolf-pups-3.jpg

courtesy of : howlingforjustice.wordpress.com


Hey everyone!sorry i haven't posted in a while. I will try to post once every week.I am writing a cheetah article for my co-op so i will post that once I am done!Here is a cool picture from:




wow.so little views!!

I love pokemon.my favorite is skitty(see below) i've been drawing them alot latley and will show you some drawins later!
pic from episode online at pokemon.com




I started school :(

Noooooooooo summer is gone! It went way too fast........


My Favorite Quote

This quote is from life is good,it is a t-shirt

"Wag and the whole world wags with you."

-life is good.com


The Outer Banks

So,I went to the outer banks a couple weeks ago and I brought a plastic pikachu .Look up gnome prank on google and you will understand why I took pictures of pikachu.(I didn't have a gnome)They also had all these fake horses painted different themes.




tigers are such amazing animals.Many people say a picture is worth a thousand words so,here.

 courtesy if edgeoftheplank.com

courtesy of  worldmostamazingthings.com

courtesy of hdwallpapers.in


 courtesy of :care2.com

courtesy of :article.wn.com

courtesy of zooborns.com
They don't deserve to become like this...

courtesy of: awionline.org

- Poodle



Sorry I havn't been posting much about wolves and the enviornment but there is no sadness in summer so im just posting about summer.



I went to VT with my two cousins ,my dad,and Indi (who is blogging about it as we speak) and we had a blast!We hiked to a waterfall and it was super cool!I almost caught a salamander but it disappeared.They are tricky like that.We went in a row boat to a lake at we were suppose to be back in half and hour(dad stayed home) but our oars broke so my cousin (my cousins alias is Dylan for now) and I paddled us back.That was pretty tiring.My other cousin,say,Anthony for now, didn't want to so I ended up paddling with "Dylan".We also went to Ben and Jerry's and got a VERMONSTER which is.........
20 scoops of ice cream
1 fudge brownie
4 bananas
3 cookies
4 toppings
4 ladles of hot fudge
Whipped cream
and Marshmallows

this kid came in the door and said "what in the world is that!?!?!?!?"

- Poodle


Awesome party!!!

 I went to my friends b-day party a couple of days ago and we went to an amusement park!!! I love the roller coaster there.A couple of us went on a kiddie coaster .worst.idea.EVER.It was so incredibly jerky!! How is that for little kids!?!?Yet 2 of my friends liked it.So we also went to a arcade and I actually got something from a claw machine!!!amazing!!

- Poodle



Pokemon are so amazing!!!!

my favorites














Here is a pic I drew.My scanner made it black and white.......


camera and pool

Hiya!Sorry I havn't posted in a while everyone!! Iv'e been busy.So today my friend (lets call her Morgan for now) slept over last night and today we went to a pool were we tested out my new camera that can go underwater!My camera is a Nikon coolpix.The only complaints I would have is that after a longish use in the water (say 45 minutes) the lense fogs up and you just have to wait.The other is that the catch that keeps the battery from popping out when the side panel is open broke and I don't know how.Now when I download pictures I have to hold the battery in with my hand.Other than that it is a amazing camera,good job Nikon!!

courtesy of:http://zoomgadget.info/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/Nikon-CoolPix-AW100-Rugged-Digital-Camera-orange.jpg

peace out!

- Poodle


My dog Wes

i've been wanting to do a post on my dog for a while but didn't get around to it.so here it is!

MY DOG WESLEY (in my hat)

yup thats him. oh,by the way i wanted to remind all those pet owners or people with children,don't leave them in the car it could get to 100 pretty quick!!



hello people!!how are ya?i am sorry that I havn't ben posting anything but I was on vacation with my friend and family!!we went to (like i would tell you that) and had an awesome time !we went to a amusement park and went on a bunch of awesome rides!!!i bought 2 hats ,a fedora and a newspaper boy hat.We drew tons of pokemon! I love pokemon.I am going to do a post on them soon!

peace out,



Phineas and Ferb

If you haven't heard of this show,watch it it is awesome.so the basic premise is that there are to brothers,Phineas and ferb.(I like ferb best ) and they do fun things every day of summer like building a rocket,  fighting a mummy ,climbing up the Eiffel tower,or building nanobots.Their pet platypus perry is a secret agent and Phineas and ferb don't know that.Perry always battles evil doctor doffensmirtz.Candace,Phineas and ferb's older sister always trys to "bust" them by showing their mom what they did or built.You can watch it on Disney channel.

hope you watch it !


 courtesy of:phineasandferb.wikia.com

candace,phineas,and ferb
 courtesy of:disneypicture.net

the theme song!

There's 104 days of summer vacation
And school comes along just to end it
So the annual problem for our generation
Is finding a good way to spend it

Like maybe...
Building a rocket
Or fighting a mummy
Or climbing up the Eiffel Tower

Discovering something that doesn't exist (Hey! )
Or giving a monkey a shower
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/phineas_and_ferb/theme_song.html ]
Surfing tidal waves
Creating nanobots
Or locating Frankenstein's brain (It's over here! )

Finding a dodo bird
Painting a continent
Or driving your sister insane (Phineas! )

As you can see
There's a whole lot of stuff to do
Before school starts this fall (Come on Perry)

So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb
Are gonna do it all
So stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb are
Gonna do it all!
(Mom! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence

More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/p/phineas_and_ferb/#share


Ocean victory!!

The Mexican president decided not to build this big tourist spot in the gulf because it would harm the reef and the sustainability fishing industry and stuff!!!


- Poodle


SUMMER!!!!! (it took you long enough)

Alright I have NO clue were my friend Indi got this picture so i don't know who to put "courtesy of" so sorry who ever made this.It is to awesome not to put one my blog.



cute but sad pic

I was on brain pop and I was watching a movie but I paused it because of this pic.It is so sad.
This is a good example of why deforestation is bad for the environment.

courtesey of brain pop

- poodle


Spaying and Neutering

Hi everyone!Just a warning here,I was watching one of those shows called animal cops were they take care of abused animals and i realized a big issue is spaying and neutering.I f you spay or neuter your dog,then it can't make more puppies when there are millions already who need homes!! Now would be a good time for another pet finder animal.

Cookie: Domestic Short Hair, Cat; Lampasas, TX this is Cookie and she is a Domestic Short Hair Mix in Lampasas, TX .
They didn't really have a paragraph about her so that's all i know besides she is a old cat and is declawed.
she is also spayed!!!! yay!!!

photo courtesy of petfinder.com



hello everyone!Another depressing post, I can tell you are excited!So you guys all know about how the dinosaurs all went extinct?Well that was called a mass extinction and scientists think we are in one now.A mass extinction is were many species go extinct.Most of the time it is because of some environmental disaster or environmental pressure (I will explain what those mean in another post) but the one we are having right now is caused by human activity.Human activity is were humans do something that affects the environment like farming, fishing, or logging.Did you know that every second a football field sized chunk of the rainforests is cut down?Approximately 30,000 species are lost every year.We need to preserve all species because if one becomes extinct,the whole ecosystem pays.

lets say that one bug goes extinct.Then the population of the voles that eat that bug go down,and the owls start paying to and the ecosystem collapses

One thing that you can do is help raise awareness!!!!raise awareness about any environmental crisis you can!then whoever you tell will tell someone and so on!

Please help,

- Poodle

Photo courtesey of :the-best-top-desktop-wallpapers.blogspot.com

( i added the text)


Dolly the sheep and other famous sheep

I really like sci-fy.So of course I watched a movie about cloning and dolly the sheep.It was awesome!It was a short movie on brain pop.com.I like brain pop.So did you know dolly was cloned from THREE sheep? they used three sheep for different uses.Dolly only has DNA from one though.I also learned that there was this one sheep, that hid for SIX years before they found it and sheared it.That one sheep's wool could make like 6 suits or something it was cool!!!Did you know that sheep can tell if someone is happy, mad, or sad ?Also,sheep can recognize 50 sheep and 1o humans,even if they don't see them for years at a time!!
This post started with cloning and ended with celebrating sheep.I always wanted a pet sheep.........


P.S I used a photo from a nat geo magazine to help me draw the sheep.

- Poodle



YEAH I GOT A 1,000 PAGE VIEWS!!! I want to thank anyone who ever checked my blog for helping me get to a 1,000 page veiws!I actually have 1,001 but who cares! Also, my next post will be about a book series I am reading that is awesome!!

thanks everyone,and peace out!!



Wildlife heroes

hey everyone,whats up?I just got this book at the library called wildlife heroes.It is about conservationists who accomplished alot for the environment.it was really cool and i learned alot about some endangered species.One of my favorites is the fossa.i bet you are wondering what that is right?If you do know, great!A fossa is a smallish cat like animal.it is technically not in the cat family,but in a family of the mongoose.They are the largest predator in Madagascar and their IUCN status is vulnerable.You no the cat like creatures in Madagascar (the movie)? That's what these are.I really like fossas and want to help them and maybe study them.I hope you do to.The picture below is of a fossa and I might draw one later!

 from : a-z-animals.com

from: http://i.pbase.com/o4/59/811459/1/99785164.9Okf1L46.babyfossa.jpg

 from : http://im.glogster.com/media/4/14/96/56/14965627.gif

 from: zooborns.com
if you go to that site and click on fossa scroll down to a video of 2 really cute baby fossas just being fossas.
