
Sharks, not your typical “Jaws”.

   Most people don’t like sharks. It’s probably because they seem to be always attacking people in the ocean. However, this is not true.
Of the 400 species of sharks that we know of, only 12 are dangerous. Also, you are 250 times more likely to be struck by lightning than be killed by a shark. Watch out for that thunderstorm!
Some ways you can help prevent a shark attack even more are, don’t swim in the ocean during dawn, dusk, and night, that is when sharks come close to shore and feed. Next, never go in the ocean if you are bleeding, sharks can smell a drop of blood from a mile away. Always stay near a lifeguard, they can warn you if they see a shark.
One of my favorite facts about sharks is that there are 43,674 more injuries associated with toilets compared to injuries with sharks. Another cool thing about sharks is that whenever a shark loses a tooth, another one moves to the front! All the front teeth have rows behind them in case one falls out! One more sweet fact, the only reason most sharks would bite you is because they use their mouth to feel, like we use our hands .They quickly realize we taste bad, and swim away.
Sharks have gotten a bad rap for far too long.  The ocean is their home, and if we choose to swim in it, we can take steps to coexist peacefully. They are amazing creatures who deserve respect. I hope this helps you understand sharks, be less afraid of them, and realize how totally awesome they are!!
 I made a new page on my blog just for my drawings!It will have an icon near the top of the page,by "home" and "Wesley the dog's thoughts"

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