

Right now I am at my cousins' house with my dad and my uncle.My cousins are not home and I am so bored.Before this we were at my grandparents and I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to their house.They have ton of stuff and food that they don't need and my dad found a bag of chips that expired last year.My grandpa is stubborn and Was refusing to let my dad take the chips.We ended up taking them.I wish I could go to this event Indiis helping out with (I will not tell you what I case you are a creepy stalker (no offense )) it sounded really cool but alas,I shall miss it.Oh we'll it is not the end of the world. Indi and I are edicted to this game called lost in migration that you can play on discovery.com I beat her high score and of course she isn't going to let it stay that way. Five hours later she beat me and I came within a hundred of beating her.

This is a message to Indi: I WILL BEAT YOU!!! :P


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