
I can't think of a title

Hi.It is me.Well that was a dumb thing to say of course it is me.Hi.My day was pretty good how was yours?I am just typing the first thing that comes to mind.Purple monkeys.Hi.I had a class today where we create a newspaper. My friend ( Alias "Sarah") is in it and we doodled and played plants versus zombies the whole time.we had finished are articles already...Then I played football outside in the freezing cold( with her and Collin).I am preeetyy sure I couldn't feel my hands anymore at some point.......There is a basketball hoop were we take our class so we were throwing my football and a beat up soccer ball into it.I didn't fail!Yes! Random story time!A couple of years ago I tried my grandpas coffee.Bad plan. Verrryyy bad plan.Bitterest thing I have tasted in my life.Advice: put three tons of sugar in it before trying.....I can't wait for my mom to get home so I can eat some nutella. We don't have any right now and she told me she was going to the supermarket today.Plus, when she gets home,we will watch a show called "once upon a time".She just called a couple minutes ago.She is almost home! Woo! Now.....for the pic of the day....

So simplistically awesome....

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